Coffee keeps me alive

I love my wife, books, video games, movies, friends and coffee. Either your with me or against me but at least come by my house, drink some coffee with me, and we can talk about it.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

On droughts...
Well coming back from an extended break in posting I have no excuses for the amount of time I have taken off from updating. So I'm just going to pretend it didn't happen and move on.

The year is entering its final month as is the college football season and man has it been a crazy one. Auburn finished strong with it's six straight win over Alabama, War Damn Eagle. Hopefully they will find a good bowl and maybe it will be close to home so I can attend. This year has allowed us to get a lot closer to a new group of friends through our Bible study and what started out as a study group has turned into a great experience that I haven't encountered- making new couple "best" friends. Granted I have since college made a new best friend who is in a couple with a woman that my wife and I both are best friends with, Nick and Laura, but never have my wife and I with no previous knowledge of either part of a couple grown so close to new friends.

We traveled to Highlands, NC with three other couples and man did we have a blast.

We spent a lot of time hanging out by the fire, talking, and trying to figure out how our drink glasses were empty already. "Is my wine glass leaking?" was a favorite quote. We learned so much about it other in those two days, repeatable and non-repeatable, and it was amazing. We were overlooking a golf course and staying in this nice little community up in the mountains that had one of those views that when you wake up and see the sun rising over the hills you know there is a God and that guy can paint a backdrop. This by the way was that view:Hopefully that will only be the beginning of several trips but even if the venue isn't as exciting as long as the company is the same it won't be too soon.
Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer (5 out of 5) Well written biography of a guy who dropped everything to be part of nature. He traveled around the country with no money and some serious gumption which allowed him to work odd jobs and hitch-hike from place to place until he decided that he wanted to spend some time in Alaska, Jack London style, and it turned out to be to much for him. The author does an amazing job of walking through his travels and forming a chronicle of his days. (Thanks Nick M. for the suggestion)
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson (5 out 5) Well this book is amazing for the person who loves history, chemistry, physics and biology. The idea behind this book is that Bryson decided one day that there was some things he wished he new, the age of the earth, when and how the elements were found, everything about dinosaurs, DNA and plate tectonics. Once he had answered all his own questions by research and study he figured he should put it all in a book. He was a journalist for Outside Magazine so its an easy read especially if you are a little technical and the topic interests you. I think I had a "Did you know..." fact to give tell people every time I sat down and read at least a page.


  • At 10:40 AM , Blogger Laura Mielke said...

    I am as late READING blogs as you seem to be writing them :) Never the less, excellent post. Thanks for the shout out. AND I, too, and happy that you and Laura have found your special niche' at church. Not only does it reaffirm her love for Montgomery but it also reaffirms my love for my hometown even though so many people will say "Montgomery sucks" - they can keep thinking that but we know it isn't true.


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