Coffee keeps me alive

I love my wife, books, video games, movies, friends and coffee. Either your with me or against me but at least come by my house, drink some coffee with me, and we can talk about it.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Overflow of information...

Since I have not Blogged in awhile I really don't know how this one will go. As I told one fellow blogger this week I couldn't figure out what was keeping me from sitting down at the computer and putting my thoughts into words. First off I would like to say that my grandmother passed away since I last blogged and she was a longtime reader of the blog so that she could keep up with her oldest grand kids life and marriage. She was a wonderful woman and was loved by many here is her picture taken back when my boys, my wife and I spent the week with her a few years ago.
She was loved and is already missed very much!

In a related note number two of the Baltimore five got married this weekend. Jeff Jones took the great dive this weekend in Birmingham where he married the lovely Kimberly Burns. We had an absolute blast this weekend having the whole gang together again for a weekend. There were eight of my long time bros together for a weekend of debauchery that was well worth the drive and the tough mornings that f0llowed late nights of catching up and 18oz canned PBR. They were married off without any issues despite the amount of worry that went into the rehearsal dinner and the wedding trying to keep all the groomsman's pants on.I also made a great purchase a week or so ago on eBay. I don't know if everyone has one of those items that you just search for every month or so and never find, one of those items on my list was an old coffee cup that my grandfather used to use when they owned the marina in Tennessee. It is a beautiful specimen of glass and humor
I hit "Buy it now" really without even checking the shipping and handling. I don't know if I am going to drink out of it yet or just keep it on the shelf but at least now I have it.
I have two blogs that I would love for everyone to see - Sara Beth Eady's Entertainment Blog - Professional Blog about cool stuff that I always find interesting.
I got a serious list of books this time since it had been almost 2 months since the last post:
Bringing Down the House - Ben Mezrich (3 out of 5) The book that inspired the movie 21. A good bit different than the movie but still follows the same general story line. A crazy story of a kid who makes alot of money counting cards in Vegas with a group of MIT students.
Snuff - Chuck Palahniuk (2 out of 5) Interesting new book by the author of Fight Club. It's about a Porn queen who is trying to kill herself by having a 600 person gang bang. Yeah I know it sounds really crazy but it's more the events surrounding the said sexual event.
The Grapes of Wraith - John Steinbeck (4.5 out of 5) Great book about how the industrial revolution affected tenant farmers and what they had to go through when they were forced off their land since it was cheaper to use a tractor to cover 20 different families land than have the families all farm their smaller tracts separately. They left the Midwest headed for California looking to find a place and found way too many people doing the same thing.
Casino Royale, Live and Let Die, Moonraker, Diamonds Are Forever - Ian Fleming (20 out of 20) The original James Bond novels are outstanding! I love the movies and wanted to check out the books and I was floored. The stories are much more believable and are more like the Bond I always wanted. In the books he is not the womanizer that they make him out to be in the movies, there aren't any crazy watches or "gadgets" just yet and the bad guys are outstanding. Also on another note I picture Daniel Craig when I read the novels and I can't decide if that makes him my favorite Bond, discuss.


  • At 8:40 AM , Blogger Nick M. said...

    Welcome back my friend. Don't be such a stranger. My thoughts go out to you on Grandma McFee. Glad you survived the weekend with 'the boys'. Let's Rockband it soon!

  • At 9:42 AM , Blogger MacDubhsithe said...

    Loved it and you ... though it brought a tear to my eye.

  • At 8:49 AM , Blogger Laura Mielke said...

    hey yan. i too am glad you are back. and i have to be honest, when i read thoughts of your about not knowing whether to drink from your new mug or just "put it on a shelf" I chuckle because I picture Laura saying, "what shelf Jooohn? Where are you going to put that mug? You can put it on the same shelf as all of your video games!" hee hee funny.
    Personally I think it should be displayed in Laura's grandmothers china cabinet, OR next to the brown vase on TOP of the china cabinet right under the framed picture of you two on your wedding day!


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