The Best Movie of the Year...
This past weekend my $10 ticket to the Thursday night show of "The Dark Knight" was a portion of the $20 million that was earned just in opening night screenings of this killer movie. As of this afternoon it was the highest first weekend ever for a movie beating out Spiderman 3 and Pirates 3. I was astounded an amazed at the way the move exceeded my expectations. My wife who has never and I repeat never stayed up past like 10 o'clock when a movie was on theatre or at home was wide eyed and engrossed at 2:45am when the movie was over. I won't drop any spoilers since I know several people who still have not been able to go yet to the movie. But I will say I was very impressed with the lack of gore especially with how freaking crazy Heath Ledger (The Joker) is and how many people he kills or in a court of law would be blamed for. I felt like I was watching and old school Alfred Hitchcock flick or something where you didn't need to see something happen to know it did and that can totally freak your mind up.
I also wanted to give a shout out to the newest facebook application "Pieces of Flair". I am totally stoked at the idea and the process of showing of your flair. Office Space is seriously top 20 favorite movies of all time and easily top 10 in comedies. I love that all these kids on facebook (the ones younger than me) are using this application and I can't help but wonder how many of them have actually seen the movie that spawned this app. I have no real insight into this phenomena just making a statement.
From Russia With Love, Dr. No - Ian Fleming (10 out of 10) The Bond books continue to impress I can't stop reading them. I have been alternating these out with other books though so that I can spread them out a little. Dr. No was the first book that closely resembled the movie that was made from it. The only real difference is that in the book Dr. No puts Bond through a gauntlet of deadly items ending with a fight a giant squid and including a crawl over hot metal and deadly spiders in the dark. After escaping he buries Dr. No in a pile of dirt not that crazy nuclear meltdown he somehow escapes from in the movie.
Walking With God - John Eldredge (4 out of 5) Another great book by the author of "Wild at Heart". This books goes through a year of his life and reads like you are reading his journal while he explains a few additional items. It was great and once again it was perfect for what my wife and I have been going through in our work and marriage. Whenever she reads it I will get her to giver her insight on her blog linked to the right.
At 10:28 AM , Jason said...
It was a great movie ( a little long ) but great!!
At 2:59 PM , Nick M. said...
I still haven't made it to DK yet and I am afraid tomorrow night is not going to be my chance either...maybe the first of next week when you get back from your "Watch Me Grow My Manly Beard" Retreat.
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